And yet—they’re handled with violence. Forced into small cages and crates. Treated as though they don't matter. Factory farming ignores that farm animals are sentient beings, just like our cats and dogs. Your urgent gift today will help us pressure companies to make real changes for animals. Because they deserve so much better.
Farmed animals are some of the most abused and neglected beings on the planet. We focus on chickens because they account for the greatest amount of suffering experienced by land animals raised for food. More numerous than other species, chickens are also the most tightly confined. Egg-laying hens in battery cages each have the space of an iPad—not enough to even open their wings! At THL, we’re out to reduce the immense suffering of hens, and we do that by changing institutions. By pressuring food companies around the globe to stop caging hens, we make quick progress at reducing their suffering—and we get closer to dismantling factory farming, everywhere.
Gabriela Dabrowski, Professional Athlete & THL Supporter
Your gift will support our life-changing work to spare animals from the worst abuses of factory farms.
Donor Advised Funds: Make a gift from your DAF.
Appreciated Securities: Give appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, and deduct the full fair market value—and any bypass capital gains tax you might otherwise owe.
Qualified Charitable Distributions: Give directly from your IRA to reduce your taxable income and maximize the value of your gift.
Live outside the US? Here are some tax-deductible ways to give internationally.